The Agha Cafer Pasha Mosque, near Kryrenia's harbour, bears the name of its erector, Frenk Cafer, a captain at sea who became governor of Cyprus three times during his life. He ordered the Mosque's building in the 1580s. A high base layer provided for solid footing on the prone terrain, also raising it distinctively from neighbouring buildings. Today this lowermost part of the construction holds the facilities for ablutions. Originally these were performed by an adjacant well pouring into a stone basin, the ruins of which are still visible.
Like the vast majority of Turkish mosques, the Ottoman edifice features a pillared portico ornated with lattice. Three arches spanning the width of the prayer room support the mosque's roof, which extends to also cover the portico, a common method found in smaller Cypriot mosques.
Camer's unusual first name "Frenk" may have indeed be a Christian one, as it was not unsusual for Christian and other slaves to be assimilated into Ottoman households and sometimes make significant military and political careers.
Like the vast majority of Turkish mosques, the Ottoman edifice features a pillared portico ornated with lattice. Three arches spanning the width of the prayer room support the mosque's roof, which extends to also cover the portico, a common method found in smaller Cypriot mosques.
Camer's unusual first name "Frenk" may have indeed be a Christian one, as it was not unsusual for Christian and other slaves to be assimilated into Ottoman households and sometimes make significant military and political careers.